Found: 4  TitlesOrder by: Show:   Per Page
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TitleCorporate links and foreign direct investment in Asia and the Pacific /edited by Edward K.Y. Chen and Peter Drysdale.
AuthorChen, Edward K. Y.
PublishedPymble, NSW :HarperEducational, in association with the Pacific Trade & Development Conference Secretariat, the Australian National University, [and] Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong,1995.
Call Number332.673 C518C
Source Types Book
TitleHow Asia advertises :the most successful campaigns in Asia-Pacific and the marketing strategies behind them /Jim Aitchison .
AuthorAitchison, Jim.
PublishedSingapore :John Wiley & Sons (Asia),2002.
Call Number659.1095 A311H 2002
Source Types Book
TitleToolkit for implementing and monitoring the east asia and pacific regional commitment and action plan against commercial sexual exploitation of children / United Nations.
AuthorNations, United.
PublishedBoston :United Nations, 2006.
Call Number363.068 N277T 2006
Source Types Book
TitleSearching for peace in asia pacific :an overview of conflict prevention and peacebuilding activities /Annelies Heijmans, Nicola Simmonds, Hans Van De Veen.
AuthorHeijmans, Annelies.
PublishedBoston :Lynne Rienner Pub, 2004.
Call Number320.95 S43 2004
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